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Practice for mindful traveling

Make Choices, Spirit for Healing


When it comes to commitment to the healing, traveling is the best or the worst enemy you can fall for. A lot of my clients are very inspired and commit to spending a good amount of time for daily self-care after having a session with me. But when they go on a vacation or business trip, this is when they stop following their daily regimen.

What can you do?

Pack your own snacks before flying

Make sure you preplan and pick up something to bring with you before leaving home so that you can snack on while you are at the airport. You may have to spend up to two hours waiting for your plane to takes off.

It is very hard to find something that doesn’t break your healthy eating habit.

Booster juice? Starbucks smoothie? Well, could be a better choice than fries, potato chips, muffins, etc. But what’s even better? You prepare your own food that you know there are no chemicals or additives in it.

Packing your own lunch box is a great idea, or chop vegetable sticks (celery, cucumber, broccoli, etc), just grab one or two apples, and mixed nuts and seeds (fat) can make you feel full for a while.

Mindful traveling starts from the day you started getting ready for the mindful traveling happen. Anything is possible as long as you really want to keep you on track.

Drink plenty of water

When I had my first trip after I made my commitment to my healthy eating, I didn’t know whether I could carry on my own food that I bought. So I had never had my own snacks to fly with. I never really wanted to buy something from the airport either. All I did was to drink plenty of water.

As much as I believe in nutrition from whole foods, I also think it’s healthy to fast for a half day by drinking just clean water. By clean water, I mean a bottled “spring water”. Although I’m a no supporter of plastic bottles, when we are traveling, we got to give up certain things that we have no control over.

Show your gratitude. This is mindful traveling.

Search for local stores and restaurants

When I go traveling, one of my favorite things to do is to search for local organic restaurants, health food stores, and kombucha brewers. I love to find different products they sell than where I live. Since the “health” is my passion, my first priority is to eat healthy no matter where I am. Plus, I will be spending my money on local artisans when I’m eating a restaurant uses locally grown organic produces.

Once you find the stores and restaurants with where you can stay with your healthy eating habit, you feel like you are actually not traveling.

Once I was in the UK, I had a hard time finding one healthy food store around the hotel. I had a choice eating out in a non-organic restaurant. I gave my prayer over the plate and appreciated the food that I could eat. I believe what’s important is to accept and appreciate what comes to me. Disappointment and anger won’t help us digest any food that we put in our mouth.

Take time for yourself

Whether you are traveling on your own or with somebody else, it’s easy to lose track of time. Staying up late and waking up early can exhaust you before coming home. Take your time at least 10 mins daily to connect with your self. Set your mind and body peaceful.

Even though you might not be able to perform some self-care regimen that you do at home, you can easily get back on track if you don’t lose completely.

Have fun

While a lot of people fell behind of their daily regime, some want to stick to their daily habit while they go on traveling. They don’t want to forget the multiple supplements they are taking every day so that they are stressed whether they packed enough amount, and worry about the food they might or might not be able to eat during the trip.

We all adapt ourselves in a different environment. The important thing is to be easy when our environment changes. If you forget to take supplements, then forget it. You can’t stress about it like the end of the world.

As I mentioned above already, you will do your best to stay on track. And again, it’s possible. But if you fail, you may or may not have your health challenges back. It’s a learning process.

You can’t live based on your fear.

So enjoy while you are away.

If you lost it, you challenge yourself the next time to stay on track a bit longer.

How to … “Oil-Pulling”

Educational Information, Healing Procedure, Spirit for Healing


How to – Oil-Pulling

  1. Make sure to perform the oil pulling up on waking before eating, drinking anything, or brushing your teeth.
  2. Swish 1-2 teaspoons of cold pressed organic oils such as coconut oil (the best!) and sesame seed oil for 20 mins.
  3. Spit out the oil and rinse with warm salt water.
  4. Brush the teeth as usual.


** Time your oil pulling. As 20 minutes is definitely the ideal timing to dissolve the plaque and weaken or kill bacteria but not long enough that the body starts re-absorbing the toxins and bacteria that the oil chelated from the mouth. The oil will get thicker and milky as it mixed with saliva during the swishing but make sure not to swallow.

** If you are using coconut oil, spit out the oil in a trash can. Do not spit in the sink as it may solidify as the temperature goes down.

** Try this 3-4 times a week for the improvement.





Oil Pulling Therapy by Dr. Bruce Fife


The Basics: The Principles of Proper Food Combining

Educational Information, Healing Procedure, Make Choices


Why do we want to pay any attention to the way we combine the foods we eat?

Our digestive tract is not designed to digest the complex foods that most of us combine together. There are very important reasons for learning to combine your foods correctly. Before the foods we eat can be absorbed through the intestinal tract and transported to the cells through the bloodstream, they must first be broken down into simpler biochemical forms. The key components necessary for this process are called enzymes.

Enzymes are the active elements in the digestive juices responsible for the proper biochemical breakdown and digestion of our food. These enzymes have specialized functions and definite limits in their capabilities. Different digestive enzymes are secreted for digesting specific types of food. For example, an enzyme that helps digest fats won’t break down proteins or carbohydrates. Likewise, an enzyme that digests carbohydrates won’t work on fats or proteins. The process our body uses for the digestion of proteins is different from the process used for the digestion of carbohydrates and starches.

By understanding that our digestive enzymes have specialized functions and biochemical limitations, it becomes obvious that our systems are not designed to digest numerous types of foods at the same time. Improperly combined foods are poorly digested and produce toxic metabolic byproducts. The buildup of these toxic byproducts in the body can be the source of many serious health problems.

Although changing our dietary habits can present a challenge, the rewards of vitality, health, and well-being are definitely worth the effort. There are remarkable benefits physically, emotionally, and mentally when we choose to cooperate with our body’s biochemical capabilities and follow the principles of proper food combining.



Proteins are one of the most abundant substances in the body. They are used in building and repairing tissues and are a most important factor in maintaining food health and vitality.

Proteins are composed of smaller substances called amino acids and are more complex than fat or carbohydrates. They are digested under the influence of the proteolytic (protein-splitting) enzymes pepsin and trypsin. Protein requires an acid medium in which to digest. Therefore, protein foods and starch/carbohydrate foods (which require a more alkaline medium for digestion) should be eaten at separate meals.

Fats slow down digestive processes, so it is better not to combine fats and protein at the same meal.

Becuase simple sugars (fruits, honey, and syrups, etc) are so quickly digested, they should not be eaten with protein, which requires a more complex and prolonged digestive process.



Carbohydrates are usually referred to as sugars and starches. The body converts all sugars and starches to simple sugars such as glucose for the immediate use by the body, and glycogen stored for energy in the liver. These simple sugars are used as a fuel for the muscles, nervous system, and brain.

Simple sugars, such as those found in honey and fruits, are easily digested. Starches, such as those found in whole grains, are more complex, having to be broken down into glucose. Cellulose, a carbohydrate found in the skin and fiber of fruits and vegetables, provides bulk for good intestinal functions and proper elimination.

The main enzymes involved in carbohydrate/starch digestion are salivary amylase called ptyalin and pancreatic amylase called amylopsin. Carbohydrate/starch foods require an alkaline medium for proper digestion. Therefore, eat protein foods which require an acid medium for digestion and carbohydrate/starch foods at separate meals. Becuase simple sugars such as fruits are so quickly digested, they should not be eaten with complex carbohydrates (grains, bread, or potatoes, etc), which require a more complex and prolonged digestive process.

Consumption of refined carbohydrate foods such as white flour products, white sugar, candy, and other “junk foods” can cause toxicity and vitamin/mineral deficiencies in the body and can lead to serious health problems.



Fats (a.k.a lipids) are the most concentrated source of energy in the diet. They are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which are the same elements found in carbohydrates but present in different combinations and proportions.

Along with providing energy, fats serve as the carriers for the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, and K). Fats are an integral part of the process through which calcium is made available to the tissues of the body. They are also important for helping the body convert carotene to vitamin A.

Under the influence of lipases (fat-splitting enzymes), which are secreted by the pancreas, fats and oils are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Fatty acids are necessary for normal growth and for healthy blood, arteries, and nerves. Glycerol is converted in the liver into glucose or glycogen to be used as fuel for energy.

Oils are similar to fats but are usually liquid at room temperature. Fats and oils tend to slow down and inhibit digestion. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating fats and proteins at the same meal.





Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy Professional Care Level 2 (pg118-119)

[Based on the work of Herbert Shelton, ND]

Food Combining

Healing Procedure


Healing requires the good digestive system. The way you eat food is as important as what you are eating because we want to support our body to digest food. And not to mention, nutrition that our body absorbs is what’s important.

Our body isn’t like a garburator. It’s not like your job is to eat something and our body will do the rest. If you don’t take care of it, it will eventually break and stop functioning.

A lot of people aren’t really aware this fact that metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess fat) starts from maldigestion and malabsorption besides too many carbohydrates (“sugar”). Our body needs to absorb minerals and vitamins from food that we eat. In order to do this efficiently, it needs to digest food properly.


When I talk about improving digestion, my first option to suggest is “Food Combining”. It is also easier for people to follow. When we search food combining online, there are so many types of it will show up. For example, some are based on “acid” and “alkaline” and some follow a much complicated version of it.

What exactly am I suggesting?

Very simple.

Carbohydrates + Green leafy vegetables

Proteins + Green leafy vegetables

Fruits by themselves

Food Combining Chart3

The chart above is a bit more detailed. Carbohydrates are meaning of starchy vegetables (potatoes, etc), rice, bread, pasta, and any products made out of those. Proteins are meaning of any nuts, beans, eggs and meats. I generally suggest to eliminate all the processed food, even though they are “organic”, “gluten-free” or any other supposedly “Natural” and “Healthy” processed foods.

This may sound still super difficult to follow if you are a “beginner” of healthy eating for the better digestion or so used to eat rice and fish/meats or beans and/or bread and eggs, ham or sausages. Sometimes, you may get sandwiches or lunch boxes come with those combinations. And that’s the only choice you have at the time while it could be just for your convenience.

Well, then. Maybe start with one meal? Three meals could be hard to start. I would rather you to stick to one change that you make for a long time. Try one meal of food combining for a month?

Why not carbs and proteins?

Carbohydrates (except for fruits) take only 20-30 mins to get digested. They don’t require stomach acid, therefore they won’t stay in the stomach as long as the protein foods do. Protein foods require stomach acid for digestion and they take 2-6 hours (or more. Depends.) to be digested.

When we eat those carbs and proteins at the same time, carbs which supposed to pass the stomach quickly stay in the stomach with proteins for a long time. And they start being fermented and then eventually feed bad bacteria. They cause gas and bloating. Moreover, when this happens in the stomach, the rest of the organs that secrete digestive enzymes and juices won’t do their job. As a result, undigested foods will enter the small intestine causes problems such as the excessive immune response (allergies and other inflammation), IBS, leaky gut, etc.

Also, when our digestive system struggles, the organs (especially liver) have to work so hard to digest food for hours rather spending some time to clean the body from toxins and by products of the natural body metabolism. This will cause organ damages, hormonal imbalances, and so forth.

In my opinion, it is much easier to follow the food combining when you avoid the pre-made food and processed foods altogether as they often have carbs and proteins.

Still not convinced?

Someone told me a while ago that she still thought to do the food combining for one meal a day was difficult for her to do after I explained why it was so important to help digestion.


How bad you want to get better? How bad you want to reverse your conditions? 

You don’t need to stick to this forever! The purpose of the food combining is to improve your digestive system. Once it gets better, you feel much better eating rice and beans without gas or bloating! 

Allergies too. I tell people that they don’t need to avoid certain foods once their gut has healed. Because the gut is the root cause of allergies! In order to heal the gut, we need good digestion and nutrients from it.


You have all sort of symptoms and are struggling with digestion. And still don’t think you could make a little change, then you are not ready. It means that it’s not the time. When the timing is right, and you are ready for it, they will happen.

I was the same back then.


The Principles of Proper Food Combining Here.