
Spirit for Healing



What do you need to prepare for your healing that may even take months or years?

Yes, you change your diet healthier, buy some “detox” supplements or herbs, and read about “how to”s online… so you may feel ready.

What if … your friends invite you to a party, drink a bit more than usual, stay out late, and you have to go to work or school next morning without enough sleep? Or, your life is too busy for whatever reasons to have mindful meals? Or some may say, “You are doing everything you can. Maybe natural medicine could only do so much.”?

What is your solution in order to be able to stick to your healing?

The answer is… Commitment.
When it comes to making a commitment to our health, I strongly believe that a quite high degree of dedication is absolutely necessary. Especially, when you are trying to heal from chronic and/or multiple conditions.

When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape (by Andy Andrews).

Here, I don’t want you to get me wrong.
I trust that everything happens for a reason at the right time. When you decided to take on your healing journey, the healing has already started. When your body is ready, the mechanical part of the healing will take part.  And lastly, when your heart (soul) collaborates with those two, you will be much closer to becoming free from your health challenges.

Healing starts from head to toe, and inside out. 

Becoming a whole by going through this process (mind => body => heart/spirit) took me about 6 years. That’s about when my skin started to heal much faster and look better. No one could notice scars on my face or arms from scratching, unless I told them I used to.

I have posted about making a strong and certain commitment at each stage of my healing here.
I hope my story could inspire your journey and give you a sense of what dedication is going to be.

Again, everybody has their own “right time” to experience the process. You will commit in your own way accordingly. But once you decided to walk this path, never quit until this commitment transforms your belief into reality.



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