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How EMF can Affect the Healing?

Educational Information, Healing Procedure, Make Choices


Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are made up of electric and magnetic fields, which are situated perpendicular to one another and travel together in the form of an invisible wave.

While EMFs have been around since the sun and even the earth naturally emits some EMFs, the human race is being exposed to previously unheard-of levels of artificial EMFs in the year 2016, and the problems keep growing with the technologies that we now enjoy and have become completely dependent on.

Every one of us is now exposed to man-made EMFs that are classified into two categories by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

  • Low-frequency EMF radiation –  they are non-ionizing radiation that bears lower frequencies than visible light. Examples include high-performing computers, smart meters, microwave ovens, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, MRIs and power lines.
  • High-frequency EMF radiation – they are ionizing radiation that bears higher frequencies than visible light. Examples include X-rays, Gamma rays, and UV light.

Figure-2. Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation spectrum.

Danger of EMFs

There is no question that too much exposure to high-frequency radiation can create health problems like being in the sun too long. We get sunburned from the prolonged UV exposure. There is a good reason that the technician asks if we are pregnant before getting X-Rays. This is because X-Rays can cause harm to the growing baby.

The effects of low-frequency EMF radiation are more controversial for many reasons.

First, symptoms due to use of microwave ovens, smart meters, WiFi, cell phones, etc. can be very subtle at first or not noticeable at all, but they may become serious problems over time rather than immediately.

Second, the electronic and telecommunication industries have strong financial interests in consumers not being aware of potential harm from using their products, while they have a major conflict against consumers becoming aware of health effects from EMF exposure.

A meta-analysis of cell phone studies revealed that the most of studies funded by the non-cell phone industry indicated a higher risk of brain tumors among cell phone users, while the majority of studies funded by the cell-phone industry showed that cell phone users had a lower risk of brain tumors! Despite this result, The International Agency for Research on Cancer has already categorized low-frequency EMF radiation as a possible carcinogen (in a Group 2B).

However, the danger of EMF exposure isn’t limited to cancer. Becuase our nervous system and heart run on electricity, EMF interference is particularly risky for our heart and brain function.

A study shows that EMFs can directly change the behavior of tissues and cells alike, and harm our bone marrow, blood, DNA, reproductive system, cardiovascular system and endocrine system.

Symptoms related to EMF exposure

The symptoms experienced by people who are exposed to prolonged high levels of low-frequency EMFs include:

  •  Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Higher risk of cancer

What can you do to reduce exposure to man-made EMFs?

While it is almost impossible to completely avoid EMFs, there are some steps to help reduce the exposure.

  • Keep your devices (cell phones, tablets, computers, and other wi-fi or blue tooth devices) away from your body. This means to use of headphones for long conversations instead of placing the phone right by the ear and to avoid placing your cell phone in your pocket, especially close to breasts and groins.
  • Stick to hardwire connections rather than Wi-fi.
  • Sleep away from the source of the energy (breaker), electronics (router, etc) and/or large appliances (refrigerator, etc) that run overnight, even though the appliance is on the other side of the wall.
  • Keep your electronic devices switched off when they are not in use.

Also, avoid living near strong sources of EMF radiation such as smart meters, power lines, radio stations, etc.

How to mitigate the negative effect of EMF exposure?

  • Grounding can neutralize the positive ions emitted by EMFs. You can be grounding/earthing by walking barefoot or sitting on a sandy beach.
  • Expose yourself to negative ions like waterfalls, and ocean. Other nature’s negative ion source is a Himalayan salt lamp.
  • Nutrition! Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, Zinc, Turmeric, and more can help protect tissues and cells in the body from EMF radiation damages.

You can not completely avoid things that affect negatively in our body. But you can at least be conscious of things in life. And don’t forget to be grateful for nature protect you, aside from being aware of the EMF dangers.


Especially, when you are in the middle of a difficult time in healing, you want to consider those EMF radiation exposures as one of the causes for slowing down the process. The system and the function of the body are too weak to either eliminate toxins or regenerate the new tissues.

It could be a challenge but baby steps!



DefenderShield Cell Phone Radiation Protection Case


Natural News

Wellness Mama



Educational Information, Healing Procedure, Make Choices, Spirit for Healing


Free radicals are not new in nature. They have been around for millions of years along with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids (EFAs), and protective anti-oxidants found naturally in food. A free radical is an atom or molecular fragment with an unpaired electron. It is very unstable, highly reactive particle, because it hates to be alone and like to be paired. Therefore, it will draw an electron from wherever it can, including other molecules pair in the body, causing them to change structure. These molecules then become free radicals creating a chain reaction with millions of molecules being affected in nanoseconds.

Endogenous (from inside the body) Sources of Free radicals:

Free radicals are intermediates of the normal chemical reactions taking place in the body, including oxidative reactions to produce the energy that our cells require for detoxification, nutritional assimilation, and more. Our body’s immune system also produces free radicals which it uses to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. If the immune system becomes chronically over-activated by chronic inflammation such as allergies and major operations, there is an extra burden of free radicals in the body.

While those oxidative reactions and immune responses are vital and absolutely necessary, unpaired electrons involved in oxidation can damage molecules in cells and tissues. And this becomes free radical stress, also known as oxidative stress in the body which leads abnormal, toxic, and biologically unsuitable substances to cause degenerative health conditions such as cancer.

Also, it is so important to mention about emotional stress. Emotional stress significantly increases the release of hormones (epinephrine/norepinephrine/cortisone) which in excess act like free radicals creates bio-chemical changes and damages the cells and tissues.

Exogenous (from outside the body) Sources of Free radicals:

  • Preservatives and other chemicals in food
  • Pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones in non-organic food
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Prescription drugs
  • Pollution
  • Radiation and microwave
  • Toxic metals like mercury, aluminum, and lead
  • Trans and hydrogenated fats


Luckily, our body is so incredible that it uses antioxidants like Vitamin C, E, A, selenium, CoQ10, as well as enzymes that contain minerals like zinc, manganese, and copper to neutralize free radical toxicity.

How Free radicals become “Bad” guys?

As I mentioned above, free radicals are produced from our body’s biological reactions besides exogenous sources and they can’t cause cell destruction when protective antioxidants are present in the body.

But in this fast-paced modern society, nutritional deficiencies are on the rise, especially vitamins and minerals (antioxidants!).

We eat packaged foods that are highly processed (often with chemicals), heated with high temperature in vegetable oils, and exposed to the light and oxygen. Those are perfect candidates for free radical damages in the body. There is no doubt that free radicals cause degenerative health conditions but the root cause for this is the nutritional deficiencies. By addressing the deficiencies, we could tame the free radical stress.

When I was working in a health food store, people asked me if it was really beneficial to take Omega-3. They were informed by Mr. “google” or some doctors didn’t know much about the benefit of Omega-3 that they cause the free radical damages rather doing the good.

YES. Omega-3s (and Omega-6s) are very sensitive to light, heat and oxygen (I have written about fats here.). Special care needs to be taken in processing, packaging, and storing rich in EFAs in order to avoid free radicals damages. However, to set such conditions costs labour and time. As a result, the necessary care is not usually taken.

Some haters (or just got a job writing about health and wellness) focus on this fact that scares readers without proving the solution to it. I think it is so important to intake Omega-3 either from food or nutritional supplements if you are dealing with asthma, eczema and other health conditions chronically. If you are scared of free radicals from processing the EFAs, eat more whole foods that can protect the cells with antioxidants.

It is so twisted if you are eating highly processed packaged foods and scared of free radical damages from bottled EFAs that could protect your cells. But only if your body has vitamins and minerals that assimilate the fat and act as antioxidants. Again, those have to come from whole foods or nutritional supplements.

Nature does its best to protect our body. Our job is to listen and take action.
