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The Grass is Always Greener on The Otherside?

Healing Procedure

Whether we acknowledge and take a step to our health concerns, and symptoms or not, we think what other people are going through is much easier than what we are going through.

Well, when I was having terrible flare-ups on my whole body, I thought I was the first person that people would feel sorry for among others. Some told me that they had been having chronic back pain, joint pain, pains during menstruation, IBS, etc. But I didn’t think it was as terrible as the problem is on the skin where other people could see in the eyes.

We are all very unique individuals. What we are healing from has no hierarchy.

While I have never had pains during menstruation, some girls can’t even get out of bed when it happens. While I have never experienced arthritis, some expressed to me that the pain is so unbearable that they could be chronically depressed. But pains are invisible. We don’t know how hard it is what they are going through until we experience the degree of the pain.

I have been healing from chronic eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW for short). My day-to-day life was mostly downs not so many ups because it was my face and neck where I couldn’t really hide with clothes like other parts of the body. People would ask me if I had an allergic reaction to some foods. People would offer me to use coconut oil, shea butter, or other oils to moisturize the skin where I knew the problem wasn’t the “skin” itself.  I was embarrassed about how I looked. I wished it wasn’t my face.

In 2013, I started wearing eyeglasses (I have been wearing contacts in public since grade 6) so that I could at least hide a tiny part of my face. And looking in a mirror became my obsession to look for my “flaws” and “imperfection” instead of telling myself “I love you”. So of course, I never wanted to be social either. I started to hide from everybody.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I didn’t mind spending time alone at all, which led me to feel depressed for a really long time.

Just before the end of the summer in 2013, a good friend of mine came back from Brazil. She told me all about her healing journey there in Abadiania. That’s when I learned about John of God, famous for healing people with chronic degenerative diseases. (ADDITIONAL NOTE: Today when I’m writing this blog, he has been arrested for numerous accusations of sex abuse. I didn’t know back then about what was going on and his crimes in the Casa.)

Her story was more than enough to convince me to book flights to visit him after 10 mins of chat. I got return tickets to Abadiania for December that night.

I was so looking forward to clearing my skin while I was there for two weeks and looking “healthy” again but this time not faking it with a cortisone cream.

Did it happen?

The answer is no.

The symptoms got worse when I arrived. My friend told me it was common. But my skin was unbearably itchy so much so that I couldn’t stay still day and night. While everybody visited for their own healing was hanging out in the “Love Bubble”, I stayed inside all day hiding out from people.

A couple of things I tried meanwhile were an in-person session on a crystal bed about 3 days a week for chakra balancing and giving prayers at the casa.

About a week in, I was finally able to get to see John of God after waiting in line for a couple of hours. There was only a little time he could spend with each person and for me, his word was not anything I wanted to hear – “You should come back here three more times. Then you will heal.”

I was disappointed big time.

My anger was at its peak as my skin was red and scally getting worse despite the treatments on the crystal bed, not sleeping at all because of the itch, and feeling lonely and helpless.

Then, the year turned 2014. I heard people counting the time to zero, then screaming, and singing, the fireworks had gone off and celebrating all night.


I was in bed alone asking the universe to free my spirit from my body.

I lost count of how many times I wished my health challenges were not on my skin and rather inside of the body where they are invisible.

People in the “Love Bubble” in Abadiania looked all healthy no matter how serious their health challenges could be, it didn’t matter to me. When your inside is so rotten by toxicity both emotionally and physically, you envy others and you feel you are the worst victim of life.

Yes, that was me.

What was my takeaway from this trip?

It was “SELF-LOVE”. I got this message from spirits while I was writing a note (“I want healthy skin.”) for the community prayer at the casa. I couldn’t understand it then and for a while after. The message was too simple to connect the dot necessary to heal my skin.

But it was “SELF-LOVE” that I needed to explore deeper in order to get to know ME more. It turns out that my skin healing journey was much bigger than just eczema or TSW, but also the journey to be able to see the grass on my side is just as green as the other side and it’s up to me whether to see the beauty in my grass or not.

When our eyes and minds are on what’s missing or imperfection in us, we are never able to appreciate how authentic we are. When we overlook the authenticity in us, it becomes harder to align with our hearts where we (true selves) can manifest and reflect the outside world from within.


Can you feel your imperfection is your authenticity?

Can you see what’s making you feel resented about your body is actually authentic?


“Look up. Because you are beautiful.”

Sick from eating vegetables?

Educational Information, Healing Procedure


Have you become sicker when you started eating more vegetables?

Have you gotten old symptoms back when you started a healing protocol such as detox program?

If you have, I hope you didn’t go back to your old eating habit but tried to be patient with the body’s reaction.

Elimination Organs

While we are eating fries, bread, pasta with little vegetables, and drinking pops, and other sugary drinks over clean water, our body’s metabolism slows down. Although our body is always healing 24/7, it needs nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals from foods that we are eating.

There are five elimination organs that are involved in getting rid of toxins from the body. They are lungs, kidneys, large intestine, lymphatic system, and skin.

If we don’t assimilate nutrients from the food we eat, toxins won’t get out of the body through the organs I mentioned above. Even worse, the liver may not be able to properly convert the toxic substances into less toxic.  Toxic substances first have to be converted to less toxic in order to excreted from elimination organs. Otherwise, those elimination organs will be damaged.

Nutrients are necessary not just for the energy production but for the other metabolic cycle. Our organs are digesting food as well as helping the detoxification process.

If there aren’t nutrients for digestion, digestive system slows down. Undigested food then becomes toxic to the body. If there aren’t nutrients for detoxification, toxins will circulate in the blood then store in the organs and tissues that are less functional.

It is the vicious cycle without nutrients.

Healing Crisis

When our body starts to heal with right nutrients, toxins stored in the organs and tissues, they will be dumped into the bloodstream. Then we hope that all elimination organs are working optimally in order to eliminate the toxins carried by the blood. If they are not working at its best, toxins may keep circulating in the bloodstream and then eventually stored again.

This is what happens to the body when your diet goes from no nutrients to full of nutrients. Or when you start detoxifying the body with herbs and nutritional supplements.

Especially when you go raw or do a juice cleanse, a lot of toxins will be dumped into the bloodstream and most of the time, elimination organs aren’t ready for that much toxins to be able to handle at once. As toxins circulate all over the body, we get sick and have old symptoms back.

We call this “healing crisis”.

Everybody who tries to cleanse should be informed this to avoid going back to medications because this process is absolutely necessary for healing.

Although healing crisis happens during the healing process, we can minimize the degree of it by utilizing homeopathy. But usually, people figure the best pace and amount to go on healing procedure for themselves by trial and error.

Make sure you reduce the amount of the food (raw, fresh juice, vegetables, etc) you are eating or supplements you are taking when started having a healing crisis. If vegetables cause gas and bloating, start with small amount of fermented food and supplemental probiotics to balance bacteria.

Besides going slow with the amount, try herbs to help support elimination organs so that toxins will optimally be eliminated when they are released from organs and tissues.

If necessary, please advice your practitioner before you get really sick that you can’t handle.

Hering’s Law of Cure

The nineteenth-century European homeopathic physician, Constantine Hering expressed the principles of healing, “All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order as the symptoms appeared.”

When we start searching for what’s best for healing by using our head, healing has already begun. In other words, healthy mind heals rest of the body.

If you see your skin is irritated, you always have to work on your internal toxicity. Nothing that topical cream could “heal” your skin unless that’s purely external injury.

Do you give up or be patient?

I have experienced many many healing crisis which weren’t easy physically nor emotionally. Generally speaking, healing crisis lasts for few days. Mine lasted for months. I didn’t even know when it was over as multiple healing crisis occurred one after another.

But I didn’t give up. I believed my body’s ability to heal itself.

Someone once told me they couldn’t eat any fermented food nor cruciferous vegetables because they hurt her stomach. When she eats KFC, she doesn’t get sick.

This is a typical example that her body is storing toxins rather than “eliminating” them.

Sometimes people react to vegetables and fruits because of the chemicals sprayed on them. Once they switch to organic from conventional vegetables and fruits, symptoms get better. So make sure you eat organic.

Healing takes time. Nothing heals overnight. Trust the process and be patient. You are healing as long as you are doing things that help the body do its job.

Practice for mindful traveling

Make Choices, Spirit for Healing


When it comes to commitment to the healing, traveling is the best or the worst enemy you can fall for. A lot of my clients are very inspired and commit to spending a good amount of time for daily self-care after having a session with me. But when they go on a vacation or business trip, this is when they stop following their daily regimen.

What can you do?

Pack your own snacks before flying

Make sure you preplan and pick up something to bring with you before leaving home so that you can snack on while you are at the airport. You may have to spend up to two hours waiting for your plane to takes off.

It is very hard to find something that doesn’t break your healthy eating habit.

Booster juice? Starbucks smoothie? Well, could be a better choice than fries, potato chips, muffins, etc. But what’s even better? You prepare your own food that you know there are no chemicals or additives in it.

Packing your own lunch box is a great idea, or chop vegetable sticks (celery, cucumber, broccoli, etc), just grab one or two apples, and mixed nuts and seeds (fat) can make you feel full for a while.

Mindful traveling starts from the day you started getting ready for the mindful traveling happen. Anything is possible as long as you really want to keep you on track.

Drink plenty of water

When I had my first trip after I made my commitment to my healthy eating, I didn’t know whether I could carry on my own food that I bought. So I had never had my own snacks to fly with. I never really wanted to buy something from the airport either. All I did was to drink plenty of water.

As much as I believe in nutrition from whole foods, I also think it’s healthy to fast for a half day by drinking just clean water. By clean water, I mean a bottled “spring water”. Although I’m a no supporter of plastic bottles, when we are traveling, we got to give up certain things that we have no control over.

Show your gratitude. This is mindful traveling.

Search for local stores and restaurants

When I go traveling, one of my favorite things to do is to search for local organic restaurants, health food stores, and kombucha brewers. I love to find different products they sell than where I live. Since the “health” is my passion, my first priority is to eat healthy no matter where I am. Plus, I will be spending my money on local artisans when I’m eating a restaurant uses locally grown organic produces.

Once you find the stores and restaurants with where you can stay with your healthy eating habit, you feel like you are actually not traveling.

Once I was in the UK, I had a hard time finding one healthy food store around the hotel. I had a choice eating out in a non-organic restaurant. I gave my prayer over the plate and appreciated the food that I could eat. I believe what’s important is to accept and appreciate what comes to me. Disappointment and anger won’t help us digest any food that we put in our mouth.

Take time for yourself

Whether you are traveling on your own or with somebody else, it’s easy to lose track of time. Staying up late and waking up early can exhaust you before coming home. Take your time at least 10 mins daily to connect with your self. Set your mind and body peaceful.

Even though you might not be able to perform some self-care regimen that you do at home, you can easily get back on track if you don’t lose completely.

Have fun

While a lot of people fell behind of their daily regime, some want to stick to their daily habit while they go on traveling. They don’t want to forget the multiple supplements they are taking every day so that they are stressed whether they packed enough amount, and worry about the food they might or might not be able to eat during the trip.

We all adapt ourselves in a different environment. The important thing is to be easy when our environment changes. If you forget to take supplements, then forget it. You can’t stress about it like the end of the world.

As I mentioned above already, you will do your best to stay on track. And again, it’s possible. But if you fail, you may or may not have your health challenges back. It’s a learning process.

You can’t live based on your fear.

So enjoy while you are away.

If you lost it, you challenge yourself the next time to stay on track a bit longer.

How to … “Oil-Pulling”

Educational Information, Healing Procedure, Spirit for Healing


How to – Oil-Pulling

  1. Make sure to perform the oil pulling up on waking before eating, drinking anything, or brushing your teeth.
  2. Swish 1-2 teaspoons of cold pressed organic oils such as coconut oil (the best!) and sesame seed oil for 20 mins.
  3. Spit out the oil and rinse with warm salt water.
  4. Brush the teeth as usual.


** Time your oil pulling. As 20 minutes is definitely the ideal timing to dissolve the plaque and weaken or kill bacteria but not long enough that the body starts re-absorbing the toxins and bacteria that the oil chelated from the mouth. The oil will get thicker and milky as it mixed with saliva during the swishing but make sure not to swallow.

** If you are using coconut oil, spit out the oil in a trash can. Do not spit in the sink as it may solidify as the temperature goes down.

** Try this 3-4 times a week for the improvement.





Oil Pulling Therapy by Dr. Bruce Fife


The Basics: The Principles of Proper Food Combining

Educational Information, Healing Procedure, Make Choices


Why do we want to pay any attention to the way we combine the foods we eat?

Our digestive tract is not designed to digest the complex foods that most of us combine together. There are very important reasons for learning to combine your foods correctly. Before the foods we eat can be absorbed through the intestinal tract and transported to the cells through the bloodstream, they must first be broken down into simpler biochemical forms. The key components necessary for this process are called enzymes.

Enzymes are the active elements in the digestive juices responsible for the proper biochemical breakdown and digestion of our food. These enzymes have specialized functions and definite limits in their capabilities. Different digestive enzymes are secreted for digesting specific types of food. For example, an enzyme that helps digest fats won’t break down proteins or carbohydrates. Likewise, an enzyme that digests carbohydrates won’t work on fats or proteins. The process our body uses for the digestion of proteins is different from the process used for the digestion of carbohydrates and starches.

By understanding that our digestive enzymes have specialized functions and biochemical limitations, it becomes obvious that our systems are not designed to digest numerous types of foods at the same time. Improperly combined foods are poorly digested and produce toxic metabolic byproducts. The buildup of these toxic byproducts in the body can be the source of many serious health problems.

Although changing our dietary habits can present a challenge, the rewards of vitality, health, and well-being are definitely worth the effort. There are remarkable benefits physically, emotionally, and mentally when we choose to cooperate with our body’s biochemical capabilities and follow the principles of proper food combining.



Proteins are one of the most abundant substances in the body. They are used in building and repairing tissues and are a most important factor in maintaining food health and vitality.

Proteins are composed of smaller substances called amino acids and are more complex than fat or carbohydrates. They are digested under the influence of the proteolytic (protein-splitting) enzymes pepsin and trypsin. Protein requires an acid medium in which to digest. Therefore, protein foods and starch/carbohydrate foods (which require a more alkaline medium for digestion) should be eaten at separate meals.

Fats slow down digestive processes, so it is better not to combine fats and protein at the same meal.

Becuase simple sugars (fruits, honey, and syrups, etc) are so quickly digested, they should not be eaten with protein, which requires a more complex and prolonged digestive process.



Carbohydrates are usually referred to as sugars and starches. The body converts all sugars and starches to simple sugars such as glucose for the immediate use by the body, and glycogen stored for energy in the liver. These simple sugars are used as a fuel for the muscles, nervous system, and brain.

Simple sugars, such as those found in honey and fruits, are easily digested. Starches, such as those found in whole grains, are more complex, having to be broken down into glucose. Cellulose, a carbohydrate found in the skin and fiber of fruits and vegetables, provides bulk for good intestinal functions and proper elimination.

The main enzymes involved in carbohydrate/starch digestion are salivary amylase called ptyalin and pancreatic amylase called amylopsin. Carbohydrate/starch foods require an alkaline medium for proper digestion. Therefore, eat protein foods which require an acid medium for digestion and carbohydrate/starch foods at separate meals. Becuase simple sugars such as fruits are so quickly digested, they should not be eaten with complex carbohydrates (grains, bread, or potatoes, etc), which require a more complex and prolonged digestive process.

Consumption of refined carbohydrate foods such as white flour products, white sugar, candy, and other “junk foods” can cause toxicity and vitamin/mineral deficiencies in the body and can lead to serious health problems.



Fats (a.k.a lipids) are the most concentrated source of energy in the diet. They are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which are the same elements found in carbohydrates but present in different combinations and proportions.

Along with providing energy, fats serve as the carriers for the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, and K). Fats are an integral part of the process through which calcium is made available to the tissues of the body. They are also important for helping the body convert carotene to vitamin A.

Under the influence of lipases (fat-splitting enzymes), which are secreted by the pancreas, fats and oils are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Fatty acids are necessary for normal growth and for healthy blood, arteries, and nerves. Glycerol is converted in the liver into glucose or glycogen to be used as fuel for energy.

Oils are similar to fats but are usually liquid at room temperature. Fats and oils tend to slow down and inhibit digestion. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating fats and proteins at the same meal.





Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy Professional Care Level 2 (pg118-119)

[Based on the work of Herbert Shelton, ND]

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Educational Information, Healing Procedure


Hypoadrenia and Adrenal Fatigue

“hypo” (lower) and adrenia (related to the adrenals) is a lowered adrenal activity causing a decrease in the output of adrenal hormones, particularly the steroid hormone called cortisol. Too much physical, psychological,  and/or environmental stress can deplete the function of your adrenals.

This hypoadrenia can range in severity. The extreme low end of hypoadrenia is called Addison’s disease which can involve actual structural and physiological damage to the adrenal glands and is life threatening if not treated.

On the other hand, conditions towards almost normal end of hypoadrenia on the spectrum have many names such as non-Addison’s, sub-clinical hypoadrenia, neurasthenia, adrenal neurasthenia, adrenal apathy, and adrenal fatigue.

They are more commonly known as adrenal fatigue as it describes the chief symptom of hypoadrenia.

In spite of millions of people in the U.S and around the world affected by adrenal fatigue, it is not usually recognized by modern medicine nor be considered a medical emergency. Nevertheless, every organ and system in the body is more profoundly affected by the reduction of adrenal function. Changes occur in body’s metabolism (slows down), electrolyte balance, sex drive, and even body shape. our body does its best to to compensate for under-functioning adrenal glands.

Adrenal fatigue s a collection of signs and symptoms. It is not readily identifiable entity like acne or a growth on the skin. People with adrenal fatigue often look and act relatively normal as they may not have any obvious signs of physical illness. Yet, they know that they are not well and live with “gray” feelings. They often use coffee and/or other stimulants to get going in the morning and throughout the day.

Conditions related to Adrenal Fatigue

  • Abnormal blood sugar levels (Hypoglycemia)
  • Alcoholism
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune Disorders
  • Constipation
  • Cravings for salty or sugary foods, alcohol, caffeine, energy drink
  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Frequent Allergies
  • Frequent Colds
  • Frequent Respiratory Infections
  • Increased difficulty during menopause
  • Increased Fears, Anxiety, and Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Intense Mood swings
  • Low energy
  • Low sex drive
  • Premenstrual Tension
  • Thyroid disorder
  • more

Factors affect Adrenal Fatigue

Whether in a mild or severe form, adrenal fatigue is usually caused by some form of stress. Our body doesn’t differentiate a type of stress. Every kind of stress, physical, emotional, psychological, environmental (external), infectious (internal), or a combination of these is responded the same by our adrenals.

While stress can be caused by significant events such as an automobile accident, or the death of a loved one, the lower grade (less intense) stress such as pressure at the workplace, an unhappy relationships, environmental toxins, poor diet, occasional financial crisis, etc. could take its toll. Especially, if occurs simultaneously, accumulate or become chronic, and adrenals have no opportunity to fully recover, adrenal fatigue is usually the result.

Anyone can experience Adrenal Fatigue

While people from every culture and every age can suffer from adrenal fatigue, each person has a different capacity to handle the total stress load, and the capacity of each person varies over time and events.

One person may handle and overcome a stress quite easily and be ready for more, but another person, or that same person at a different situation, may find the same stress overwhelming and impossible to bear. It is important to understand that the onset and continuation of adrenal fatigue is reflected by great individual variation.

Your Job may be a Factor

Some professions are harder on the adrenal glands than others such as physicians, the police force, middle executives, secretaries, and teachers. cabin attendants, actors and actresses, etc. They often sacrifice their sleeping hours, have intensive work load, and requires high responsibility. They commonly have other health problems (high cholesterol, insulin resistance, hypertension, obesity, etc.), as the adrenals are less responsive after burning out of cortisol.

Components of Lifestyle Leading to Adrenal Fatigue

  • Lack of sleep
  • poor food choices
  • Using food and drinks as stimulants when tired
  • Staying up late even though exhausted
  • Constantly driving yourself
  • Trying to be perfect
  • Feeling stuck
  • Lack of enjoyable and rejuvenating activities

Lifestyle Leading to Adrenal Fatigue

  • University student
  • Mother with two or more children with little support from family or friends
  • Single parent
  • Unhappy marriage
  • Extremely unhappy and stressful work conditions
  • Drug or alcohol abuser
  • Alternating shift work that requires sleep pattern to be frequently adjusted
  • Little play little recharging time

Life Events Leading to Adrenal Fatigue

  • Pressure or frequent crises at work and/or home
  • Severe emotional traumas that are unresolved
  • Death of a close friend or family member
  • Major surgery with incomplete recovery
  • Prolonged or repeated respiratory infections
  • Serious burns (include sunburn)
  • Head trauma
  • Loss of stable job
  • Sudden change in financial status
  • Relocation without support
  • Repeated or overwhelming chemical exposure including drugs and alcohol abuse


We can never forget to consider the weaknesses on adrenal glands from birth on, besides those factors of lifestyle and life events.

Children born to mothers with adrenal fatigue and children experience severe stress in the womb typically have lower adrenal function. For this reason, they have less capacity to deal with stress in their own lives and more prone to adrenal fatigue throughout their lives.

Do I Have Adrenal Fatigue?

If you are experiencing the lifestyle that I listed above, and some conditions seem familiar to you, go click on “questionnaire” to assess your level of adrenal fatigue.


Take => Questionnaire for Adrenal Fatigue


Read “Nutritional Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue“.



James L. Wilson, N.D., D.C. PhD. “Adrenal Fatigue The 21st Century Stress Syndrome”

Do you blame on genetics?

Healing Procedure, Spirit for Healing


The word genetics is mentioned a lot from people, especially who faced health challenges at some point in their life – allergies, hay fever, candida, etc. In fact, almost every health problem is commonly blamed on genetics. My parents also believed eczema, allergies, and asthma that were running in the family were brought by genetics.

We pollute the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe with industrial and nuclear wastes and when we get ill we blame it all on genetics. We deplete our soils of minerals and other nutrients and replace them with pesticides, organophosphates, weedkillers and lots of other chemicals, we grow our crops on these soils, we eat these crops, we get ill and blame it all on genetics. We damage our children’s immune systems with vaccinations and antibiotics and blame it all on genetics. we regularly consume processed foods with virtually no nourishment for the body that are full of chemicals and detrimental to health, and when we get ill we blame it all on genetics. We regularly intoxicate ourselves with alcohol, tobacco and drugs and when we get ill we blame it all on genetics.(1)

How about all the epidemics of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, anxiety, learning disabilities, autoimmune disorders, obesity, etc.? These are all conditions starting at young age which doctors very rarely encountered a hundred years ago. Have our genetics gotten very poor so quickly to cause those degenerative diseases?

Genetics are a very convenient excuse. It is something we are born with, I would call them some strengths and weaknesses of our constitution. Therefore, there is nothing we can do about it at the moment. If we were born with weaknesses in kidneys, we have potential to have problems in kidneys genetically. If we have strengths in processing alcohol, we may be able to drink more than people who don’t. But does this mean we have no responsibility for our food that we eat, environment or lifestyles? Can we conveniently blame our state of health on our genetics?

As with the rapidly increasing numbers of modern epidemic sufferers, there is a genetic predisposition to the disorder rather than a genetic cause. That said, there has to have certain environmental conditions before any predisposition materializes into a disease. Diet is a major part of this environmental conditioning as our diet profoundly influences on gene expression, in other words what we eat could change our genetics throughout our lives. By changing the environment (diet, lifestyle, pollution, stress, infections, etc.), we can make sure that whatever genetic predisposition we may have, this predisposition won’t develop into a disease. And at the same time we can alter gene expression with the correct diet which will indirectly improve our genetics.

We don’t need to have the same disease that our family members have. We may have the predisposition, weaknesses, or genes that had expressed as symptoms. But it’s completely up to us whether we want to struggle with it or not. When we wisely choose what we eat, the way we live, and healthy relationships with others, we are not only healing ourselves but the future generations.

**Here I am not talking about clearly identified genetic conditions like haemophilia and many others where specific faulty genes have been discovered. They are not the main concern as what I wanted to discuss here was the epidemics that are becoming the real problem in the modern world.


(1) GAPS™ Gut and Psychology Syndrome Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride MD



How bad you want your health back?

Make Choices, Spirit for Healing


Among those who came to see me for their health conditions, I would say probably less than 20 % was ready to make their lifestyle and dietary changes. And I’m not complaining nor trying to change them.

Their priority is the main reason. I would say they are not ready to make changes because of it.

I was lucky enough to have been able to say, “Sorry, I have to be alone for my healing. I can’t see you while I am going through ups and downs. I really need to be focusing on myself.”, when I was just about to enter the most difficult time for healing. I knew my priority. I knew what was the most important matter for me to focus. So I chose me over a very loving man. He understood and gave me a huge respect for my decision. He understood how bad I wanted to heal. He understood how painful it was for me to see him with the red scaly inflamed itchy skin all over my body.

But not a lot of people can make a decision like I did. Some are in a long relationship so that they are living together for many years. Some have the family members who don’t understand holistic healing arts what so ever. Some are too scared to change diet which they grew up on. Even though they are super inspired by healing their conditions without medications but with diet, the nutritions.

I had a Japanese client who was married to a man who never had an interest in healthy eating. But she sought for my professional advice for her allergies. I have suggested the food combining to begin with and all other things. First thing that she worried was her husband. She asked me how she could convince him to understand what she was just about to do. And her second concern was her social life, eating out with her friends.

Well, first of all. We have to explain the reason profoundly why you will be changing how you eat if you are doing the food combining, for example. Give them the reason or two in order for them to understand how badly you want your health back. And most of people who love you, who care for you your health, they will understand you and be supportive for your decision.

I have to say, however, some people say things oppose to your decision because they don’t want you to get what you want. Simply, this could be because they are jealous of you who are strong enough to try to achieve your goal. Or in some cases, especially your parents, they worry no matter what.

One of my mentors once told us about his client. He was obese and had multiple disorders but his background was Italian. He grew up in a family eats greasy pasta, pizza, and other cheesy food. But since he started working with my mentor, he lost 45 lbs (which was still normal weight range) and some symptoms disappeared after couple of months. When his parents saw him leaner, they said that he was too skinny!

Family and friends are the most challenging people that you may have to convince. But if you try to take time to explain sincerely with passion, they will for sure understand you and support you. I believe this will happen to your spouse and children. More over, they could benefit from the dietary change you make!

Social life could be one of obstacles to make changes in your life. But I think it is totally up to you. I would certainly suggest to prepare your own food as much as you could in order to avoid additives, potential toxins, and excess sugar. And if you are 100% committed to your healing, you will do so. However, I understand it will be very difficult to cut every single social gathering all together. If you can have some snack before the gathering at home, you may not need to eat at the party. Whether your food is randomly prepared or made to order, be wise to choose what you eat. Social life with people who aren’t eating as strict as you are could be hard at the beginning but I found it will become easier once you familiarize yourself what/what not to eat or the proper food combining. It doesn’t matter whether people around you know your dietary restrictions or not.

Once your digestion, conditions, or symptoms get better, you should be able to eat without restrictions. For some, they may have the weaknesses in the system so that they won’t be able to eat like before. They have to stick to the certain protocol. Some prefer to stay with the protocol because it feels good.

When conditions and symptoms disappear, we tend to go back to an old habit. Because the pain, discomfort, and all other challenges with the conditions we had will disappear too. And we forget how it was like. But we have to remember what brought you the health challenges in the first place. If we keep doing the same thing dragged you down to the point you had to struggle for your health, it will get us again.

If your body fails you, where will you live?

Are supplements necessary?

Healing Procedure


When I started my healing and cleansing protocol which I had to become an expert on my own, I wasn’t a supplement person. I had never taken pills (common cold pills, birth control pills, nor any medications!) before. I wasn’t feeling very convinced to take any until I started getting flare ups from my very first detox program.

I bought probiotic and fish oil (high in EPA). Those bottles cost more than $100 together. And the more I learnt about supplements in school, the more I become obsessed with new supplements I thought I should try to help heal.

I bought so many kinds of supplement I thought they would help me including homeopathic remedies. I was lucky or not, worked in the health food store where I had opportunities to take educational courses from supplement companies then. So wherever I hear about products that could help heal the skin then I had to try.

The truth is… I still have so many bottles, whether they are already open or not, in my drawer from years ago (2013~). Some of them looked very stale I had to get rid of them after a couple of years.

I have done many trials and errors along the way. It cost me a fortune to buy all those supplements. But I was 100% committed to get better. I economized on clothes and entertainments. I had rather spend all of my earnings on organic groceries and supplements. So I did.

While I was working in the health food store, almost 90% of the people needed help to find the supplements for their health conditions, they never asked me how to eat, what foods are nutritious. This is very tricky because people nowadays are more into “natural” healing instead of medications. But still, they want a “quick fix” which they refer to supplements, the pills. And that won’t give them what they want.

I wanted to become a nutritionist because I believe in nutritions that help heal us. Our health goes downhill when our diet doesn’t feed our body and/or too much toxicity the our body can’t get out of our system because of malnutrition. Our body needs vitamins, minerals, and fat (cholesterol) for enzymatic activities and regeneration.

The GAPs diet recommends minimal of supplements. And I strongly agree with it. It is super time consuming and hard to find the best quality supplements. When I talk about supplements, I’m not talking about supplements you get from Costco or dollar stores. They won’t do any good rather do harm to your body.

Because it was my responsibility to recommend the best quality supplements to customers in the store, I did a lot of research on supplement companies and talked to rep which I was very careful that I wouldn’t be biased by their information. I spent a lot of my own time to research the additives and such. And this helped me to pick supplements for myself too.

If you were to decide to take supplements, please do your own research. Call the company to know how they manufacture their products, the source of the products (a lot of vitamins are made out of corn. Ask them where it’s coming from), and safety (heavy metal contamination, etc). Companies want to show you the studies and researches done, either by their own company or general information from studies done by pharmaceuticals, that their products are effective to certain health conditions. And that’s very appealing. But what’s important is your body assimilates the nutrients from the supplement without any harm.

While I don’t completely disagree to take supplements, there are risks of what you may be getting into your body unless you know how and where they are coming from.

It is like going out for food. You don’t know what could be in the food you were about to eat unless you make it yourself.

I have become a practitioner educates my clients how to get nutrients from real foods. I still suggest some supplements such as probiotic, fish/cod liver oil, chlorella, and some liver herbs. But nutrients are more bioavailable for our body when they are coming from the right source. Supplements are nutrients that are isolated mostly from corn. Those isolated forms won’t be recognized by the body as easy as food in order to be assimilated. If nutrients from supplements weren’t absorbed by the body, it will be excreted as urine.

I think spending your precious money on organic local foods makes more sense than wasting it to make expensive urine.


Organic Local Farmers