Monthly Archives

April 2018

GAPS Lime Pie

Homemade Healing Recipes

This is an interesting dessert that I really wanted to try out.

Since I’m brewing my own Kombucha, I get baby scobies keep growing. I wanted to make something delicious with it. Scoby is also probiotics!

Here is what I did!


<Scoby Pie Crust>

  • 1/2 cup  Coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup  Scoby puree
  • 1 cup  Unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/2 tsp  Vanilla extract
  • 3-5 Tbsp  Honey


  • 2  medium ripe Avocado
  • 1/2 cup  Honey
  • 1/3 cup  Lime juice (about 2 large limes)
  • 1 tsp  Vanilla extract
  • Pinch  Himalayan pink salt
  • 1/2 cup  Coconut oil melted
  • Lime zest for filling and garnishing


  1. Mix all ingredients in a food processor until no longer chunky and coconut oil is blended. (Taste to make sure it is sweet enough) 
  2. Press into a pie dish and place it in a freezer while making the filling.
  3. Rinse food processor and put 2 avocados. Blend thoroughly. Scrape down the sides.
  4. Add lime juice, half amount zest, honey, vanilla, and salt. Taste and adjust.
  5. Add melted coconut oil and blend well.
  6. Pour over pie crust and garnish with rest of the zest.
  7. Place in a fridge for a couple of hours.

Recipe inspired by:

GAPS Cauliflower Savory Bread

Homemade Healing Recipes

I have always loved this savory bread as it contains no carbs when I was going through dietary restrictions way harder than now.

This recipe is suitable for GAPS people but if you or your family is allergic to eggs, you can alternate them to ground flax or chia seeds. I was making mine with chia seeds and coconut oil as I was avoiding eggs and dairy.



  • 6 eggs (organic, pastured)
  • 1/2 cup melted butter  (lard, chicken fat, beef fat) or coconut oil
  • 2 cups crumbled cauliflower (put in a food processor till it’s crumbly.  Lightly squeeze to drain extra water before measuring)
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbs picked and chopped fresh thyme
  • 3/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt or sea crystal salt
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda



  1. Heat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Mix all the wet ingredients well in a bowel (first 4 ingredients above).
  3. Mix all the dry ingredients well in a separate bowl (rest of the ingredients above).
  4. Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir till they are nicely combined.
  5. Pour into a loaf pan with parchment paper and sprinkle a pinch of salt on top.
  6. Bake in the oven (at 350 degrees) for an hour or till cooked through (stick a skewer).



If you like to alternate your eggs to ground flax or chia seeds, here is the conversion.

– Soak 6 Tbsp ground flax meal (or chia meal) in 1 cup of water. And rest.

If it’s too thick, add 1 Tbsp of water.



Sick from eating vegetables?

Educational Information, Healing Procedure


Have you become sicker when you started eating more vegetables?

Have you gotten old symptoms back when you started a healing protocol such as detox program?

If you have, I hope you didn’t go back to your old eating habit but tried to be patient with the body’s reaction.

Elimination Organs

While we are eating fries, bread, pasta with little vegetables, and drinking pops, and other sugary drinks over clean water, our body’s metabolism slows down. Although our body is always healing 24/7, it needs nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals from foods that we are eating.

There are five elimination organs that are involved in getting rid of toxins from the body. They are lungs, kidneys, large intestine, lymphatic system, and skin.

If we don’t assimilate nutrients from the food we eat, toxins won’t get out of the body through the organs I mentioned above. Even worse, the liver may not be able to properly convert the toxic substances into less toxic.  Toxic substances first have to be converted to less toxic in order to excreted from elimination organs. Otherwise, those elimination organs will be damaged.

Nutrients are necessary not just for the energy production but for the other metabolic cycle. Our organs are digesting food as well as helping the detoxification process.

If there aren’t nutrients for digestion, digestive system slows down. Undigested food then becomes toxic to the body. If there aren’t nutrients for detoxification, toxins will circulate in the blood then store in the organs and tissues that are less functional.

It is the vicious cycle without nutrients.

Healing Crisis

When our body starts to heal with right nutrients, toxins stored in the organs and tissues, they will be dumped into the bloodstream. Then we hope that all elimination organs are working optimally in order to eliminate the toxins carried by the blood. If they are not working at its best, toxins may keep circulating in the bloodstream and then eventually stored again.

This is what happens to the body when your diet goes from no nutrients to full of nutrients. Or when you start detoxifying the body with herbs and nutritional supplements.

Especially when you go raw or do a juice cleanse, a lot of toxins will be dumped into the bloodstream and most of the time, elimination organs aren’t ready for that much toxins to be able to handle at once. As toxins circulate all over the body, we get sick and have old symptoms back.

We call this “healing crisis”.

Everybody who tries to cleanse should be informed this to avoid going back to medications because this process is absolutely necessary for healing.

Although healing crisis happens during the healing process, we can minimize the degree of it by utilizing homeopathy. But usually, people figure the best pace and amount to go on healing procedure for themselves by trial and error.

Make sure you reduce the amount of the food (raw, fresh juice, vegetables, etc) you are eating or supplements you are taking when started having a healing crisis. If vegetables cause gas and bloating, start with small amount of fermented food and supplemental probiotics to balance bacteria.

Besides going slow with the amount, try herbs to help support elimination organs so that toxins will optimally be eliminated when they are released from organs and tissues.

If necessary, please advice your practitioner before you get really sick that you can’t handle.

Hering’s Law of Cure

The nineteenth-century European homeopathic physician, Constantine Hering expressed the principles of healing, “All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in the reverse order as the symptoms appeared.”

When we start searching for what’s best for healing by using our head, healing has already begun. In other words, healthy mind heals rest of the body.

If you see your skin is irritated, you always have to work on your internal toxicity. Nothing that topical cream could “heal” your skin unless that’s purely external injury.

Do you give up or be patient?

I have experienced many many healing crisis which weren’t easy physically nor emotionally. Generally speaking, healing crisis lasts for few days. Mine lasted for months. I didn’t even know when it was over as multiple healing crisis occurred one after another.

But I didn’t give up. I believed my body’s ability to heal itself.

Someone once told me they couldn’t eat any fermented food nor cruciferous vegetables because they hurt her stomach. When she eats KFC, she doesn’t get sick.

This is a typical example that her body is storing toxins rather than “eliminating” them.

Sometimes people react to vegetables and fruits because of the chemicals sprayed on them. Once they switch to organic from conventional vegetables and fruits, symptoms get better. So make sure you eat organic.

Healing takes time. Nothing heals overnight. Trust the process and be patient. You are healing as long as you are doing things that help the body do its job.

Practice for mindful traveling

Make Choices, Spirit for Healing


When it comes to commitment to the healing, traveling is the best or the worst enemy you can fall for. A lot of my clients are very inspired and commit to spending a good amount of time for daily self-care after having a session with me. But when they go on a vacation or business trip, this is when they stop following their daily regimen.

What can you do?

Pack your own snacks before flying

Make sure you preplan and pick up something to bring with you before leaving home so that you can snack on while you are at the airport. You may have to spend up to two hours waiting for your plane to takes off.

It is very hard to find something that doesn’t break your healthy eating habit.

Booster juice? Starbucks smoothie? Well, could be a better choice than fries, potato chips, muffins, etc. But what’s even better? You prepare your own food that you know there are no chemicals or additives in it.

Packing your own lunch box is a great idea, or chop vegetable sticks (celery, cucumber, broccoli, etc), just grab one or two apples, and mixed nuts and seeds (fat) can make you feel full for a while.

Mindful traveling starts from the day you started getting ready for the mindful traveling happen. Anything is possible as long as you really want to keep you on track.

Drink plenty of water

When I had my first trip after I made my commitment to my healthy eating, I didn’t know whether I could carry on my own food that I bought. So I had never had my own snacks to fly with. I never really wanted to buy something from the airport either. All I did was to drink plenty of water.

As much as I believe in nutrition from whole foods, I also think it’s healthy to fast for a half day by drinking just clean water. By clean water, I mean a bottled “spring water”. Although I’m a no supporter of plastic bottles, when we are traveling, we got to give up certain things that we have no control over.

Show your gratitude. This is mindful traveling.

Search for local stores and restaurants

When I go traveling, one of my favorite things to do is to search for local organic restaurants, health food stores, and kombucha brewers. I love to find different products they sell than where I live. Since the “health” is my passion, my first priority is to eat healthy no matter where I am. Plus, I will be spending my money on local artisans when I’m eating a restaurant uses locally grown organic produces.

Once you find the stores and restaurants with where you can stay with your healthy eating habit, you feel like you are actually not traveling.

Once I was in the UK, I had a hard time finding one healthy food store around the hotel. I had a choice eating out in a non-organic restaurant. I gave my prayer over the plate and appreciated the food that I could eat. I believe what’s important is to accept and appreciate what comes to me. Disappointment and anger won’t help us digest any food that we put in our mouth.

Take time for yourself

Whether you are traveling on your own or with somebody else, it’s easy to lose track of time. Staying up late and waking up early can exhaust you before coming home. Take your time at least 10 mins daily to connect with your self. Set your mind and body peaceful.

Even though you might not be able to perform some self-care regimen that you do at home, you can easily get back on track if you don’t lose completely.

Have fun

While a lot of people fell behind of their daily regime, some want to stick to their daily habit while they go on traveling. They don’t want to forget the multiple supplements they are taking every day so that they are stressed whether they packed enough amount, and worry about the food they might or might not be able to eat during the trip.

We all adapt ourselves in a different environment. The important thing is to be easy when our environment changes. If you forget to take supplements, then forget it. You can’t stress about it like the end of the world.

As I mentioned above already, you will do your best to stay on track. And again, it’s possible. But if you fail, you may or may not have your health challenges back. It’s a learning process.

You can’t live based on your fear.

So enjoy while you are away.

If you lost it, you challenge yourself the next time to stay on track a bit longer.